
Upset and angry.

Got fired today for not showing up to work after having told my boss I would not be there because I am in the process of moving. Not just told him but also had it in written form as part of my resignation letter. Feeling like this was in retaliation to my resignation. I start my new job in two weeks but desperately needed the next two paychecks. I filed for unemployment but I know that process is long and I may not even get anything in the time between now and my first day at the new job. Probably going to call the new job tomorrow and see if I can start orientation earlier. Just absolutely fucking pissed and honestly my feelings are hurt as ‘babyish’ as that sounds. On top of being asked by this last employer if I was religious during my interview, them trying to convert…

Got fired today for not showing up to work after having told my boss I would not be there because I am in the process of moving. Not just told him but also had it in written form as part of my resignation letter. Feeling like this was in retaliation to my resignation. I start my new job in two weeks but desperately needed the next two paychecks. I filed for unemployment but I know that process is long and I may not even get anything in the time between now and my first day at the new job. Probably going to call the new job tomorrow and see if I can start orientation earlier. Just absolutely fucking pissed and honestly my feelings are hurt as ‘babyish’ as that sounds. On top of being asked by this last employer if I was religious during my interview, them trying to convert me twice, and any doctor’s appointments I had being “forgotten” about even though I had mentioned it more than once and wrote it on the white board where you put any days of times you need off, this is how I’m let go. Only two days in to my last two weeks. Just wanted to vent. I hate working.

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