
upset with my job

I've been working at a wfh call center for 3 months now. For the first half of my work there I had no direct supervisor to get help from so I was very behind, when a new supervisor started and I was assigned to him he was surprised I was doing so well for not having a TL. But now apparently I'm not on the level I need to be as a 3 month employee and I have had 3 corrective actions due to not being on par with other agents. I feel that this is extremely unfair as I was working with no direction, and training was not very comprehensive. One of the things I had corrective action for was bathroom breaks, we are only allotted 10 minutes in an entire 8 hours to use the restroom. I have ibs. I physically cannot hold it for too long or…

I've been working at a wfh call center for 3 months now. For the first half of my work there I had no direct supervisor to get help from so I was very behind, when a new supervisor started and I was assigned to him he was surprised I was doing so well for not having a TL.

But now apparently I'm not on the level I need to be as a 3 month employee and I have had 3 corrective actions due to not being on par with other agents.

I feel that this is extremely unfair as I was working with no direction, and training was not very comprehensive.

One of the things I had corrective action for was bathroom breaks, we are only allotted 10 minutes in an entire 8 hours to use the restroom. I have ibs. I physically cannot hold it for too long or I shit myself. Literally. I had an appointment to get a Dr's note, but I missed it due to having covid.

I'm struggling with this job and I know I'm being underpaid, I was wondering if any of yall had any tips to bring this to a supervisors attention that I feel that this is all unfair

Also I can't just quit, I'm the only one in my marriage working rn and we barely scrape by. My husband has been searching and actually got hired and went to training before he was fired very randomly. (Same company, different campaign. I was passing through that room when it happened there's literally no explanation)

What do I do?

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