
[URGENT] I might be getting fired tomorrow

I got a call on Microsoft teams today from my manager and their boss. We just had our annual review a couple weeks ago. I submitted the things that I have accomplished and the things that I need to work on. They started the call by saying that there were some concerning comments in my review. I asked them to clarify, and they said that I wrote “I’m a full-time student so keeping an organized and concise calendar will help me manage my day better”. My manager proceeds to say that HR read that comment and have now made the assumption that I am completing school work or attending classes during the day when I’m supposed to be working. I’m not sure how they are jumping to this conclusion. I do understand that my numbers have been inconsistent over the past year, but it’s not because of school. If anything,…

I got a call on Microsoft teams today from my manager and their boss. We just had our annual review a couple weeks ago. I submitted the things that I have accomplished and the things that I need to work on.

They started the call by saying that there were some concerning comments in my review. I asked them to clarify, and they said that I wrote “I’m a full-time student so keeping an organized and concise calendar will help me manage my day better”. My manager proceeds to say that HR read that comment and have now made the assumption that I am completing school work or attending classes during the day when I’m supposed to be working. I’m not sure how they are jumping to this conclusion. I do understand that my numbers have been inconsistent over the past year, but it’s not because of school. If anything, it’s the fact that my mental health has been impacted by being a full-time employee and a full-time student while also having a side hustle, not because I’m completing schoolwork during work hours. I never mentioned anything about my mental health to my employers, because I don’t feel comfortable speaking to them about those things, as most people would feel.

I am just now returning to school to get my bachelor’s degree after almost 10 years and I feel like my job doesn’t give a fuck. And I understand, they’re not here to give a fuck about what I’m doing outside of work, but now they’re saying that I am in breach of my employment contract by using company time for school related activities. They have no proof that my inconsistent workflow over the last year has anything to do with school. They have never given me any verbal warnings or written warnings about my inconsistent activity. I believe that they are trying to terminate me without severance pay, and without paying unemployment by stating that I’m in breach of my employment contract.

I sent them my schedule to prove that I am in an asynchronous program, meaning that I can complete the course at my own pace. Meaning, I have no reason to complete schoolwork during work hours.

We are in the middle of being taken over by another company, and I’m pretty sure it’s because we’re running out of money. I think they’re trying to trim the fat by any means necessary. I’m not saying that I deserve to stay there, but I did my time, and I don’t deserve to be dismissed because of a comment that I made about me managing my time better in my annual review. The fact that I have received no warnings during the year and seven months that I’ve been there should be enough proof that activity was never a concern. If it was, I would’ve been terminated months ago.

I really need advice. I worked in the service industry previous to this as a bartender, so I have no idea how to handle a situation like this. They’re making a decision tomorrow. Is there anything that I can do to hold onto my position at least until I can find something else? I obviously can’t stay here.

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