
US Public school trains you for low-level work and not much else.

Don't talk to your peers. You can only use the restroom when the teacher lets you. Bells tell you when to come and go. You're punished for trying to help a peer or ask for help from a peer(your own work should come first so no helping others improve their production). Homework is a huge part of your overall grade, not because it makes you smarter but because it tests your obedience aka your ability to perform a menial task(I finished my homework on the bus in 25 minutes then let others copy the next day). The 8-hour school day conditions you to stay in one spot for long periods of time. The kids with good memory skills were “smart” but kids who couldn't recall very well were “stupid.” Kids who failed left-brain subjects like Science and Math were defective but failing right-brain subjects like art and music class was…

Don't talk to your peers. You can only use the restroom when the teacher lets you. Bells tell you when to come and go. You're punished for trying to help a peer or ask for help from a peer(your own work should come first so no helping others improve their production). Homework is a huge part of your overall grade, not because it makes you smarter but because it tests your obedience aka your ability to perform a menial task(I finished my homework on the bus in 25 minutes then let others copy the next day). The 8-hour school day conditions you to stay in one spot for long periods of time. The kids with good memory skills were “smart” but kids who couldn't recall very well were “stupid.” Kids who failed left-brain subjects like Science and Math were defective but failing right-brain subjects like art and music class was acceptable; kids with autism, adhd, and other issues that interfere with learning obedience are deemed “problematic” cuz the way your brain works won't make you a good wage slave in the future. I'm probably forgetting a lot but that's what I can think of.

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