

I must say working conditions in any neolibralist state are horrid. But I get the anger coming from USA citizens and I actually don't understand why it hasn't become a workers revolution. I only have started to understand that with my partner recently starting to work remotely for a USA company. I'm from the part of the world that your previous president called a shit hole and our employment laws are miles ahead of yours. The hours she is expected to work. In her first year she gets no leave and no sick leave. They can without warning just call and let her go. Keep in mind I am talking about a individual with a masters degree as well. What BS is that. That is slave labor. Where I am from you would have to send one email to a government agency and the company would be in a mess.…

I must say working conditions in any neolibralist state are horrid.

But I get the anger coming from USA citizens and I actually don't understand why it hasn't become a workers revolution.

I only have started to understand that with my partner recently starting to work remotely for a USA company.

I'm from the part of the world that your previous president called a shit hole and our employment laws are miles ahead of yours.

The hours she is expected to work. In her first year she gets no leave and no sick leave. They can without warning just call and let her go.

Keep in mind I am talking about a individual with a masters degree as well.

What BS is that. That is slave labor.

Where I am from you would have to send one email to a government agency and the company would be in a mess.

I hope you'll start a revolution. As much as it's needed world wide, USA citizens really need to start it.

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