
Useless “Engineer”, demands more money and leaves when told no.

There was a useless, worthless guy at my company. He was the “engineer” of my area. (Working with various computer related equipment.) He never showed me anything, didn't train me on any product or explain any new changes or new product. (Honestly don't need it, but that's beside the point.) He would play on his phone, walk around talking to people about random shit, (most of the time he was wrong about certain things) would talk at length about his shitty sports car and if anyone ever asked him for help. He would just say that he is “too busy”. He would regularly ask me for help and to explain certain things to him. Then play it off as if he already knew it. I helped and was a team player in the beginning but after seeing him NOT work, ever and trying to throw me under the bus. I…

There was a useless, worthless guy at my company. He was the “engineer” of my area. (Working with various computer related equipment.)

He never showed me anything, didn't train me on any product or explain any new changes or new product. (Honestly don't need it, but that's beside the point.)

He would play on his phone, walk around talking to people about random shit, (most of the time he was wrong about certain things) would talk at length about his shitty sports car and if anyone ever asked him for help. He would just say that he is “too busy”.

He would regularly ask me for help and to explain certain things to him. Then play it off as if he already knew it. I helped and was a team player in the beginning but after seeing him NOT work, ever and trying to throw me under the bus. I was done.

I told him to fuck off. “Do not speak to me again, we have nothing to discuss, and I have never needed your help on anything. It is in your best interest to not bother me any further.”

So, he stopped talking to me. GOOD.

I continued to do my job and HIS job because he was useless, and my manager would hound me when the production line went down.

I really hated doing it because that sack of crap was coasting off my work, but my manager is a really good guy. Covers for me, bring me breakfast and even pays for some of my lunches every so often. In return, I want to do right by him and provide decent work.

Anyhow, I'm the only one that knows how to keep the production line running. We do have another engineer that is great, but he is swamped with work, and he does work hard, he just doesn't have the time to take on more tasks and I get that.

So, this useless “engineer” constantly runs around talking about how he's not compensated enough for the “work” he does. He was already getting paid more than anyone on the floor, besides the other engineer and a few managers. Why he wasn't fired, I have no idea other than the fact most of the managers around here are pretty useless as well. Birds of a feather perhaps?

So, he goes into the CEO's office and gives him an ultimatum. Pay me more, or I'm leaving.

CEO says, “Bye.”

So that moron is gone, finally! One would think that the person who is already doing his job, the only other person that has any experience keeping the line running would be offered the opportunity for a promotion.

What happens instead? They dissolve his position BUT STILL EXPECT ME TO DO THE WORK, WITHOUT EXTRA PAY. lmao!!

That's not happening. I've told my manager they have until the end of the month to promote me for the extra work I've been doing or I'm moving on.

Pretty much, if they hire someone else to do the work. I know for a fact that they are going to look at me for training. Training someone else to do a job, I'VE ALREADY BEEN DOING. That's not happening.

If they just gave me the promotion they wouldn't have to pay a full wage, they would just have to give me a small bump in pay. Which would save them lots of money.

It doesn't make any damn sense. LOL

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