
Vent: finally got proof that my boss has been gaslighting me, thanks to google docs! But I don’t know what to do about it.

I’ve always been a great employee and hard worker and in general, my employers have really liked me. But I started a remote job about 8 months ago and have just been feeling terrible. It’s an industry I’ve excelled in before, but I’m constantly being told by my boss that I’m missing deadlines, not working fast enough, and just completely forgetting about projects. Sometimes I feel like I swear my boss didn’t tell me about this or that or I thought for sure the due date was weeks from now… it’s made me feel like I am completely a failure and losing my touch. I feel crazy. Maybe I’ve got Covid brain fog or something. The guilt has made me work through my weekends and miss time with my family (all for free of course, since I’m salaried). But today I finally caught him. I was asked where a project…

I’ve always been a great employee and hard worker and in general, my employers have really liked me. But I started a remote job about 8 months ago and have just been feeling terrible. It’s an industry I’ve excelled in before, but I’m constantly being told by my boss that I’m missing deadlines, not working fast enough, and just completely forgetting about projects.

Sometimes I feel like I swear my boss didn’t tell me about this or that or I thought for sure the due date was weeks from now… it’s made me feel like I am completely a failure and losing my touch. I feel crazy. Maybe I’ve got Covid brain fog or something. The guilt has made me work through my weekends and miss time with my family (all for free of course, since I’m salaried).

But today I finally caught him. I was asked where a project was that’s due at the end of the day and it was a big enough thing that I KNOW I would have remembered being assigned it. He said it’s been on our agenda for me to do since last week. I felt awful, and looked back at the agenda to check. Sure enough, there it was. How could I have forgotten? But then I remembered google docs has a history feature where you can see who made edits and when. He had just added it to the document YESTERDAY morning. A complete fabrication to make it look like she had told me about it a week ago.

I feel relieved that I’m not crazy and she’s probably been doing this all along. But I am just so ANGRY. I started looking for other jobs a while ago so I hope something sticks soon, because I’m freaking outta here. I wonder though, should I tell him I caught him? I don’t really know any of my fellow remote coworkers, but should I warn them that this might be happening to them, too?

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