
[vent] Food service: damned if it’s corporate, damned if it’s not

I’ve been serving/bartending on and off for years at this point. In February, I quit my last job as a supervisor/bar lead due to sexual harassment. The restaurant was a small wannabe-upscale place that was mostly a pilot bar. The sexual harassment from the kitchen was unbearable, and difficult to navigate because no one in the kitchen spoke English (except chef who wasn’t always there), and I was the only FOH person besides the manager who spoke Spanish (poorly). The sexual harassment from the pilots was even worse. Again, not a party bar or anything close to that. Quiet, mostly dead black-tie place. Didn’t matter. I was hit on, propositioned by couples, grabbed, etc. I quit after a pilot forced a kiss on our new gm, who didn’t kick the guy out or tell me what happened until the next day-when after I asked why she didn’t say anything to…

I’ve been serving/bartending on and off for years at this point.

In February, I quit my last job as a supervisor/bar lead due to sexual harassment. The restaurant was a small wannabe-upscale place that was mostly a pilot bar. The sexual harassment from the kitchen was unbearable, and difficult to navigate because no one in the kitchen spoke English (except chef who wasn’t always there), and I was the only FOH person besides the manager who spoke Spanish (poorly). The sexual harassment from the pilots was even worse.

Again, not a party bar or anything close to that. Quiet, mostly dead black-tie place.

Didn’t matter. I was hit on, propositioned by couples, grabbed, etc.

I quit after a pilot forced a kiss on our new gm, who didn’t kick the guy out or tell me what happened until the next day-when after I asked why she didn’t say anything to me so I could kick them out, told me she did that so I could make money and I should be grateful.

Next time he came in, I told her I was gonna kick him out. She told me not to. From then on, the dude continued to come in as a regular. Never acted up quite like that again, but he got away with it.

Couldn’t deal anymore so I found one of the most corporate places around because I knew they’d have strict sexual harassment regs, and now I’m in a position of having to go into work with a deep nasty cough, sore throat, etc. Just bc my rapid test (which is known to be unreliable anyways) is negative.

And there’s no comment from mgmt about how that looks for guests, or caring about their safety.

The other day, a coworker was vomiting and they still made her roll silverware before they let her leave.

I don’t want to pull a malicious compliance and come in dripping snot and hacking everywhere, but damn I forgot about the level of dehumanization/patronization experienced in a corporate setting.

The lack of control over peoples lives in this society is really no joke. Even the fact that r/maliciouscompliance exists proves that.

Sorry to rant. I’m just enfuriated that I either risk losing my job bc I don’t feel comfortable serving food with these symptoms, or having to play games with other adults.


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