
Venting guilt over sick day

I took a sick day on Monday. I'm working two jobs, the primary of which is being a teacher. We can't find subs, period. A day off means my coworkers have to drop their plans to cover for me, and I genuinely like these people. My other job, though, is at a gas station. I can't take days off there or I'll be fired, and I need the money. At my teaching job I get a couple of sick days added to my total every month. So I took a sick day, because I haven't had more than two days (total) off from both jobs at the same time since the week before Thanksgiving. And I feel awful, cause that one sick day meant 2 of my coworkers had to throw out their plans for the day to cover. I lied and said I had a stomach bug, but the…

I took a sick day on Monday. I'm working two jobs, the primary of which is being a teacher. We can't find subs, period. A day off means my coworkers have to drop their plans to cover for me, and I genuinely like these people. My other job, though, is at a gas station. I can't take days off there or I'll be fired, and I need the money. At my teaching job I get a couple of sick days added to my total every month.

So I took a sick day, because I haven't had more than two days (total) off from both jobs at the same time since the week before Thanksgiving. And I feel awful, cause that one sick day meant 2 of my coworkers had to throw out their plans for the day to cover. I lied and said I had a stomach bug, but the truth is that I just couldn't convince myself to go.

The worst part is, I feel guilty that I feel guilty. Taking a day for mental health is something I'd advise anyone else to do. I've even helped cover those classes before. I just feel selfish for it. I don't know. I needed it, I think, but I still feel bad. I don't think I should feel bad, but I do.

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