I have been hoping from job to job over the pat 2 years since i could not find something i enjoyed doing, plus couple of health and mental health issues that have been delaying with. The only silver lining from all of it, was the fact that i didn't have to pay for my medical treatment and now that I'm currently just studying instead of working, i still get health coverage.
But recently there has been a big push for privatization, while they started asking for something small, the language they are using and the discourse that I'm hearing is eerily familiar to Ronald Regan's talking points about privatization and hatred for the public worker and the people that rely on the system to survive.
I hate it, while we are staging a protest tomorrow, the sentiment seems to be so divided that i feel like my country is finally falling apart and i have no idea were to go.
I'm so exhausted of going to meetings and protests, just to see how the media and biggest investors change the narrative and everyone just accepts it at face value, no matter how horrible the ideas are, no matter how much we fight for change, everyone votes for the same 3 parties over an over.
I am fucking loosing it, sorry for the rant.