
Venting Wednesday

Sorry for any errors. English isn’t my first language. I’ve been having some problems with my stomach since last year and I’ve run out of PTO going to doctor’s appointments. I took last week off for some more appointments. Tuesday I was supposed to come back into the office but I worked from home without permission. My boss messages me on Teams and asks where I’m sitting. I wanted to be snarky and say “at home so I can be close to a private bathroom” but I just kept it vague and said I wasn’t feeling well. Today I worked from home again and he reached out to say that I needed to clock off and he’ll follow up tomorrow. I’m definitely getting written up but I’m just so frustrated. I shouldn’t have to sacrifice my physical and mental health to work in person to do the same thing I…

Sorry for any errors. English isn’t my first language.
I’ve been having some problems with my stomach since last year and I’ve run out of PTO going to doctor’s appointments. I took last week off for some more appointments. Tuesday I was supposed to come back into the office but I worked from home without permission. My boss messages me on Teams and asks where I’m sitting. I wanted to be snarky and say “at home so I can be close to a private bathroom” but I just kept it vague and said I wasn’t feeling well. Today I worked from home again and he reached out to say that I needed to clock off and he’ll follow up tomorrow. I’m definitely getting written up but I’m just so frustrated.
I shouldn’t have to sacrifice my physical and mental health to work in person to do the same thing I can do at home. If anyone knows any remote Spanish/French preferably in IT jobs with good health insurance, please send them my way.

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