
Vote, but also do other stuff

You know like community buildin, joinin or startin a union, helping existing networks, readin (I've been reading The Jungle at work the past few weeks and I'm at chapter 28 now I think), pickin battles small enough to win but important enough to matter, starting a garden. If anyone has any suggestions for things people can do, go ahead and list em. Capitalism is never going to allow itself to be voted out unless a lot of people get real comfortable with violence really fast, but in the meantime we can work on stuff at the community level so that things suck slightly less.

You know like community buildin, joinin or startin a union, helping existing networks, readin (I've been reading The Jungle at work the past few weeks and I'm at chapter 28 now I think), pickin battles small enough to win but important enough to matter, starting a garden.

If anyone has any suggestions for things people can do, go ahead and list em. Capitalism is never going to allow itself to be voted out unless a lot of people get real comfortable with violence really fast, but in the meantime we can work on stuff at the community level so that things suck slightly less.

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