
Wage Slave mentality in coworkers

My job entails I work a hybrid of remotely and on site. All this week I've had little to no work when doing remote work (no tickets, no tasks set by manager and my coworkers aren't needing my help). I'm still the new guy here for less than a year, and the one coworker I'm really cool with I tell him how lazy I've been. His response: “What? You can't be doing that. You're gonna get fired! If they aren't giving you work it means they don't trust you, you need prove yourself more” He was worried about my employment, i get it, but i hated how openly the owning rich class brags about doing nothing and being lazy and getting money but we the working class bitch at each other for doing a little work and getting paid. Like, instead of saying “nice, they don't pay us a living…

My job entails I work a hybrid of remotely and on site. All this week I've had little to no work when doing remote work (no tickets, no tasks set by manager and my coworkers aren't needing my help). I'm still the new guy here for less than a year, and the one coworker I'm really cool with I tell him how lazy I've been. His response:

“What? You can't be doing that. You're gonna get fired! If they aren't giving you work it means they don't trust you, you need prove yourself more”

He was worried about my employment, i get it, but i hated how openly the owning rich class brags about doing nothing and being lazy and getting money but we the working class bitch at each other for doing a little work and getting paid. Like, instead of saying “nice, they don't pay us a living wage, just chill and enjoy this easy week” he panics, the wage slave mindset. BTW he has two jobs and constantly grinding to survive. Working hard doesn't pay off here

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