
Wage slaves need to stop defending grocers

Hey anti work ppl! I’m a binning girl. Yea I go through the garbage bins at grocery stores in Toronto area and rescue food. Even though I’m currently working as a software programmer, I refuse to pay $7 for a head of lettuce. Been this way for years as I grew up with a homeless mother. I started as a teen as my home frequently had no food (my mom is too shy to bin). My mom says it’s embarrassing that I keep doing it even though I have an education and good job these days. I don’t care. I’m hardcore all about saying no and playing this prices game. They literally would rather toss food then bring prices down. I usually keep to myself (as do many other binners) but I have been assaulted a few times and yelled at. Every single one of these ppl were grocery store…

Hey anti work ppl! I’m a binning girl. Yea I go through the garbage bins at grocery stores in Toronto area and rescue food. Even though I’m currently working as a software programmer, I refuse to pay $7 for a head of lettuce. Been this way for years as I grew up with a homeless mother. I started as a teen as my home frequently had no food (my mom is too shy to bin). My mom says it’s embarrassing that I keep doing it even though I have an education and good job these days. I don’t care. I’m hardcore all about saying no and playing this prices game. They literally would rather toss food then bring prices down.

I usually keep to myself (as do many other binners) but I have been assaulted a few times and yelled at.

Every single one of these ppl were grocery store workers. Please for the love of god do not defend your employer! I’m going through your bins not shoplifting! Also your employer is paying min wage or damn near close to it..

Galen Weston and his class have never attacked me, but his brood of wage slaves have.

Also I will suggest that these foods never be donated to charity or food banks- there are very valid reasons why charities are beyond inappropriate and don’t treat recipients too well.

Also if you’re in the downtown core and need food I usually can make up a bag for you.

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