
Wage stealthing

I applied to a job recently and during the pre-screen interview I was asked what I'd like to be paid, so I said. They didn't agree or disagree, they just wrote my answer down. The interview went well and it was inferred I got the job. I was told to email the manager (who interviewed me) with the necessary documents (background check, etc) and that a different manager would be contacting me about getting signed up for the online stuff. I emailed them (interview manager, who would be my direct manager) and asked if I'd be receiving a letter of offer, including rate of pay from them or the online person. I never heard back. I didn't hear back for two days, then got an email from the online person with a “welcome” email explaining all the online training (unpaid, on my own time) I'd have to complete. I thanked…

I applied to a job recently and during the pre-screen interview I was asked what I'd like to be paid, so I said. They didn't agree or disagree, they just wrote my answer down. The interview went well and it was inferred I got the job. I was told to email the manager (who interviewed me) with the necessary documents (background check, etc) and that a different manager would be contacting me about getting signed up for the online stuff.

I emailed them (interview manager, who would be my direct manager) and asked if I'd be receiving a letter of offer, including rate of pay from them or the online person. I never heard back.

I didn't hear back for two days, then got an email from the online person with a “welcome” email explaining all the online training (unpaid, on my own time) I'd have to complete. I thanked them and said I'd get right on it, then asked if I'd be receiving a letter of offer including rate of pay from them or the first manager (played dumb/confused and polite about it). I have not heard back.

I believe they're wage stealthing me. They're looking to pay me less (they generally pay min wage, I asked others who work there as I know an employee) and I believe they're hoping I go ahead with the online stuff and background checks ($100 out of my own pocket plus my time) then start my training shifts and by the time I then get told I'm being paid minimum wage I'll already feel too invested.

I've never had an interview or experience where a potential employer worked so hard to ignore a direct inquiry about letter of offer and rate of pay. I find it extremely unprofessional.

For the record, I'm over qualified for the job and happen to know they're having a difficult time finding reliable employees. I thought they'd be happy to have someone like me apply, but I can see why they struggle with finding good people. They seek people with my skillset yet can't afford or financially incentivize me to work there.

Edit; Lots of concern about me having to pay for the background check. I don't know if it's different in the US or elsewhere, but here in Canada you generally pay for your own background check. It's perfectly common.

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