
walked off the job from what was my highest paying position to date.

Title says it. I was really excited about this place, but two weeks in half the staff either leave or are fired. Not a good sign. Lately my supervisor has been having panic issues. Rather than seek therapy they used me as a scapegoat to project upon. Something they told me after I requested a meeting to discuss the recent change in their interactions with me. Their response? “I will not have a civil conversation with you. Get out.” Originally I was going to take a long lunch until the boss came into the office, but they threatened me with, “if you leave I will make sure you get fired.” I've never been one to be bullied or take ultimatums lightly. So I left. What didn't they know? A recruiter reached out to me yesterday and I had a call scheduled for noon today. I'm honestly relieved it ended so…

Title says it. I was really excited about this place, but two weeks in half the staff either leave or are fired. Not a good sign. Lately my supervisor has been having panic issues. Rather than seek therapy they used me as a scapegoat to project upon. Something they told me after I requested a meeting to discuss the recent change in their interactions with me. Their response? “I will not have a civil conversation with you. Get out.”

Originally I was going to take a long lunch until the boss came into the office, but they threatened me with, “if you leave I will make sure you get fired.” I've never been one to be bullied or take ultimatums lightly. So I left.

What didn't they know? A recruiter reached out to me yesterday and I had a call scheduled for noon today. I'm honestly relieved it ended so quickly. I'm very lucky to be ok and I will find new work. I'm just disappointed that in a “professional” field this is what I'm forced to deal with. I just want to make a living wage and be left to work. They won't even let us have that these days.

Not looking for advice. It was under six months so no unemployment. The actual employer is being very civil and I only have the nicest things to say about him. Heck, I don't even dislike my now former supervisor. They clearly have anxiety issues. I'm just tired and disappointed and questioning of I want to keep dealing with this bs.

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