
Walked out of a new job that is in desperate need of people because the manager is shady as heck!

Started a job last week in retail and had to do my training at a different store. Was told I would receive a phone call about when I was going to start at my permanent store. I told my trainer and new manager at my new store that I could not start till after Memorial day. It's in a text to my trainer who was supposed to pass it on and a phone call to my manager to make sure it got passed along. I even mentioned it during the interview I needed that weekend and holiday off. Had some miss communication and my boss told me over the phone on Tuesday that he had scheduled me for Saturday and Memorial day. He said he had called several times to tell me that's when I start. He had in fact called me on his personal number once (I didn't have…

Started a job last week in retail and had to do my training at a different store. Was told I would receive a phone call about when I was going to start at my permanent store. I told my trainer and new manager at my new store that I could not start till after Memorial day. It's in a text to my trainer who was supposed to pass it on and a phone call to my manager to make sure it got passed along. I even mentioned it during the interview I needed that weekend and holiday off.
Had some miss communication and my boss told me over the phone on Tuesday that he had scheduled me for Saturday and Memorial day. He said he had called several times to tell me that's when I start. He had in fact called me on his personal number once (I didn't have any other unknown phone numbers that called over the weeknd and confirmed my first day it was his number) and he did not leave a voicemail or text. (First red flag) I got ahold of him this past Tuesday and set up a time to start yesterday, Thursday. I told him I did not know that he tried to get ahold of me as I do not answer unrecognizable numbers. He said its not a big deal just be ready to start Thursday.
My first day was yesterday. The training I did at the corporate store was all videos. The hands on training started yesterday at my permanent store. The first thing my manager told me is that this training takes a month to a month and a half but due to him taking a vacation in two weeks and them in need of desperate skilled workers. He and the store manager figured I could do it in two. Even though I have very intermediate experience in this field. I was confident to learn it and just take my time around the two machines that could destroy limbs and appendages (second red flag).
Today I came in and was immediately pulled into the office by my manager. He went into a whole speech about how I missed Saturday and Monday and how it's retail and I can't just no call no show. I especially shouldn't expect to have Saturday and Sunday and Holidays off because it was retail. He said he would have to write me up twice for both days since I was on the schedule and missed. That means as with most places of work. I only had one strike left.(3rd red flag) He wanted me to sign the paper work to acknowledge that I had missed those days because of my own irresponsible decisions to no call no show on both those days. So I just walked out. It's a buyers market for people who want to be employed. Plus I paid a couple months ahead in rent. I already have a interview on Monday for similar if not more pay. Hopefully a better culture.

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