
Walked out of my last job no notice. Zero regret.

Just finished up a stint at a food distribution center. Worked in the freezer 8 to 10 hours a day in -20F temperature. Typical warehouse work with the added bonus of having to deal with temperatures that literally freeze the mucus in your nose when you breathe in. The work is grunt work that isn't too difficult. Grab a box put it on a pallet, then walk to the next slot and repeat 2,400 times a day. The boxes weigh 2 to 70lbs and usually about half of those you do are over 35lbs. I would have lasted longer than a few months, but I started noticing how unfair the standards were for everyone. 90% of the orders you pull end up having 2 pallets full of product, 7ft tall with 240 boxes on the order. You use a headset that tells you what to grab. Every time it gives…

Just finished up a stint at a food distribution center. Worked in the freezer 8 to 10 hours a day in -20F temperature. Typical warehouse work with the added bonus of having to deal with temperatures that literally freeze the mucus in your nose when you breathe in. The work is grunt work that isn't too difficult. Grab a box put it on a pallet, then walk to the next slot and repeat 2,400 times a day. The boxes weigh 2 to 70lbs and usually about half of those you do are over 35lbs.

I would have lasted longer than a few months, but I started noticing how unfair the standards were for everyone. 90% of the orders you pull end up having 2 pallets full of product, 7ft tall with 240 boxes on the order. You use a headset that tells you what to grab. Every time it gives you a slot you have about 10 seconds to grab it, then move on to the next. Any deviation from this and you have zero chance of hitting the standard the company set. Someone blocks you with a forklift that needs something infront of you? You lose. Your headset disconnects because you nudged it with a box? You lose. Don't even think about using the bathroom on an unscheduled break. You start sweating cause you're lifting heavy shit and nearly running the entire time, and then the sweat freezes and now you got about 20 minutes to get out of the freezer before you get frostbite. Had to leave and dry/warm your frozen toes? Sorry bud you lose.

After talking with some of the guys that have worked there for over a year, everyone of them said they have to work through their legally required breaks sometimes just to hit their numbers. They work their asses off too. Not once will you see them stop and chitchat with anyone else. Just head down moving nonstop 8 hours a day. It really pissed me off. So I just stopped going.

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