
Walmart told hubby he’ll be fired if he keeps taking “long lunches”. He uses his lunch at around 8am to drive back home, pick me up, take me to work since we share a car. We live across town where we can afford to. He goes into work at 4am, and is an awarded great worker, often receives compliments.

Walmart told hubby he'll be fired if he keeps taking “long lunches”. He uses his lunch at around 8am to drive back across town, pick me up, take me to work since we share a car. They are often no longer than 15 min max, which they said they were ok with….at first. We live across town where we can afford to. He goes into work at 4am and is a great worker. His work often receives compliments. I'm pissed, but we are doing everything we can to save so I can hopefully get a car of my own, since a shitty driver destroyed mine and fled the scene, leaving me with vehicle replacement (couldn't afford the “good insurance” that actually protects the person paying for it) and medical bills (everyone including cops at accident scene told me car insurance would pay for ambulance ride to the ER) Of course,…

Walmart told hubby he'll be fired if he keeps taking “long lunches”. He uses his lunch at around 8am to drive back across town, pick me up, take me to work since we share a car. They are often no longer than 15 min max, which they said they were ok with….at first.

We live across town where we can afford to. He goes into work at


and is a great worker. His work often receives compliments.

I'm pissed, but we are doing everything we can to save so I can hopefully get a car of my own, since a shitty driver destroyed mine and fled the scene, leaving me with vehicle replacement (couldn't afford the “good insurance” that actually protects the person paying for it) and medical bills (everyone including cops at accident scene told me car insurance would pay for ambulance ride to the ER) Of course, it ended up not covering it since we could only afford the cheapest insurance required by law.

While I was literally holding my bleeding face at the accident scene, I made double fucking sure I wouldn't be charged for hospital trip, due to terrible experiences paying because bills before. Otherwise id just have taken my bleeding face home to put an ice pack on it before going back to work.

Yeah, they were wrong.

But anyway,

Hubby is super kind, and doesn't complain about giving me a ride. In fact, we're both glad we get to see each other during the day, since corporate America decided poor people aren't deserving of reasonable work hours or time with their families the way the rule -makers are. Woops, that just sort of slipped out.

It would be nice if there were laws anywhere to keep poor people from getting fucked over, many times, many ways. Oops, I did it again.

Guess I'll stop so I don't get accused of being a deadbeat or having a bad attitude, haha

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