
Want to quit but scared of the unknown

Just wanted to vent. I've had a great wfh QA job for the past few years and loved it. However, ever since the company got acquired by a bigger one, things have gone downhill. It's become really obvious this past month. My coworkers that I've enjoyed working with are either leaving or updating their resumes. We used to be a well-oiled machine and prided ourselves on doing good work. But now, we're getting poorly planned projects with little to no direction, and are being met with confusion (and on one occasion, outright hostility) when we get stuck and ask for guidance. Our new boss (who's been with the bigger company for years) claims to support us, but his actions show that he's not trustworthy and that he'll choose the company over us every time. I really want to put in my two weeks notice, cite “lack of direction from leadership,”…

Just wanted to vent. I've had a great wfh QA job for the past few years and loved it. However, ever since the company got acquired by a bigger one, things have gone downhill. It's become really obvious this past month. My coworkers that I've enjoyed working with are either leaving or updating their resumes.

We used to be a well-oiled machine and prided ourselves on doing good work. But now, we're getting poorly planned projects with little to no direction, and are being met with confusion (and on one occasion, outright hostility) when we get stuck and ask for guidance. Our new boss (who's been with the bigger company for years) claims to support us, but his actions show that he's not trustworthy and that he'll choose the company over us every time.

I really want to put in my two weeks notice, cite “lack of direction from leadership,” as my reason for leaving. But I'm worried about money since I'm getting married next year and my partner and I are DIY/paying for everything ourselves. I don't have much in savings since I just finished paying off some credit card debt, and my partner only works part-time since she's in grad school full-time.

I'm filling out several job applications daily and honestly I've been hating it. My dream job is to be a sci fi author, but that's not something currently attainable. It sucks being back in this position after having a good few years. Until the acquisition, this was the best job I've ever had.

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