
Wanting to Quit before I even start!

I’m looking for some advice about quitting my brand new job. A few weeks ago I interviewed for a job in the social services sector helping refugees (primarily ukrainian ones). this isn’t my first foray into non profit industrial complex and I know it can be hypocritical and I’m very aware of the BS that comes along with it. But I thought this place wouldnt be so bad seeing as they were touting a social justice focused narrative and had what i felt to be proof enough and although the non profit had a minor religious background due to its roots way back when, they seemed to be with it enough for I, a trans person to feel comfy. Until I went to training and found out that some of the counseling they provide or connect people in their programs too is pro life and “life affirming” which does not…

I’m looking for some advice about quitting my brand new job.

A few weeks ago I interviewed for a job in the social services sector helping refugees (primarily ukrainian ones). this isn’t my first foray into non profit industrial complex and I know it can be hypocritical and I’m very aware of the BS that comes along with it. But I thought this place wouldnt be so bad seeing as they were touting a social justice focused narrative and had what i felt to be proof enough and although the non profit had a minor religious background due to its roots way back when, they seemed to be with it enough for I, a trans person to feel comfy. Until I went to training and found out that some of the counseling they provide or connect people in their programs too is pro life and “life affirming” which does not align with my morals at all! I felt sick and stupid for not digging deeper, even though that is not what i will be doing at all and doesn’t intersect with my job it feels disgusting. I’m just about finished with the onboarding process and I just wanna quit but my partner and I can barely pay the rent and this job was a god send (pun maybe intended) for us to be able to get by. I’m actively looking and applying for other things but I can’t stand the fact that I’m working somewhere with a history of pro life fuckery. But on the other hand I have to provide for myself and my family. Any advice or similar experiences welcome!

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