My boss likes to play stupid.
I could write a much longer post about EVERY instance of this, but I'll stick with right now.
We got a bunch of snow and ice over night. I'm parked on the street, pointed upward on a hill. My street was plowed, but very poorly, and no road salt was put down.
I tried to get off my street, and my car literally will not move… At best I can do a lot of sliding and wiggling even a penguin would be envious of.
I text my boss this, saying I'm stuck and my car just isn't going to cut through the ice on a hill.
Took the liberty of sending her a video too!
She says: “I'll push your appointments back 15 minutes, no worries!”
Okay… I'll keep trying then, I'd like to get paid today. So I keep trying. Another 15 minutes pass, no dice. She says: “The roads are good here! :)”
Well, that's wonderful! It's too bad I can't get there!
I text again, “yeah, still not moving. There's no traction on my road, I'm stuck here.”
She says: “I'll take your first two appointments.”
Okay… I'll try a little longer then.
It becomes VERY obvious that I'm not going anywhere.
My boss sends me updates on my work she's doing, with the silent “when will you get here??” I only respond with “I'm still stuck, trying to get out!”
If my car is stuck the roads are clearly not safe for driving- and my job is very driving heavy.
At this point, I am all but resigned to not working today. She will continue to push back my start time, I will continue to miss it due to the road conditions. I'm content sitting in my car until she folds. One of us is going to give in, and considering that I'm so close to my apartment that I could spit on the porch, it's not going to be me.