
warned boss, now he’s scrambling

Okay so I work for a company that is traditionally for young adults/high school aged teens (a carwash) but everyone who works for the company is in their mid to late 20s or older but there's still a few who still have a “high school mentality” For the past few months there has been a co-worker, (let's call her Sally) who has been stirring the pot and drama between coworkers has become a regular. Sally also is always coming in 10-15 minutes late, and not in uniform. Once she arrived she spends an extra 15-20 minutes getting ready in the company bathroom. If any drama has occurred, Sally's name is somehow tied into it. (She started the drama directly or she twisted others words and said something to another coworker to cause them to be upset with another.) I have been involved myself twice because of her antics ( spreading…

Okay so I work for a company that is traditionally for young adults/high school aged teens (a carwash) but everyone who works for the company is in their mid to late 20s or older but there's still a few who still have a “high school mentality”

For the past few months there has been a co-worker, (let's call her Sally) who has been stirring the pot and drama between coworkers has become a regular. Sally also is always coming in 10-15 minutes late, and not in uniform. Once she arrived she spends an extra 15-20 minutes getting ready in the company bathroom. If any drama has occurred, Sally's name is somehow tied into it. (She started the drama directly or she twisted others words and said something to another coworker to cause them to be upset with another.)
I have been involved myself twice because of her antics ( spreading a rumor I was racist, and another telling someone I was spreading her business when I wasn't) Well I informed our direct manager of her antics and how they are getting out of hand. Letting him know something will need to be said or it will only continue to escalate. He shrugged it off as personality differences and most of the workers believe it's because he was her manager at a different company and they are friends so he's protecting her.

Well today it officially hit the fan. Sally has been having a more aggressive attitude as of late and when she came in today, she was combative and argumentative towards every co worker on shift. The direct manager is off for the day but assistant manager was on shift. Sally decided the best course of action was to get herself in the assistant managers personal space and curse and insult him. When she was told to leave the property she refused. Direct manager was called and he told us to just separate and work in different areas, and that Sally did not need to leave…This was the final straw for most of us. The assistant manager, and three other co workers clocked out, left and said they will not be returning. Everyone on the second shift also decided was the time to quit. Now the manager is scrambling to find others from other sites to come over the shifts now vacant. He should have listened…

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