
Was demoted today, and I’m happy about it

TL;DR @ bottom, but I'll be brief. I work for a small retail company, and was informally made the manager at the small “satellite store” since just before the pandemic. Being less busy there, I've had time to help my customers more than the other store in town. When lockdowns happened we started selling a lot more and eventually product shortages were a problem. After lockdowns I was the only person at the store. Work stress was crushing, but I really enjoy helping people and had some fulfillment at work, so I stuck with it. Now that the store is stable again I've had time to work on myself. I've been depressed since I was young, and have recently gone back on the antidepressants that worked 8-ish years ago. Maybe as a result of aging, it seems they've come with the side effect of mild insomnia this time. I'm frequently…

TL;DR @ bottom, but I'll be brief.

I work for a small retail company, and was informally made the manager at the small “satellite store” since just before the pandemic. Being less busy there, I've had time to help my customers more than the other store in town. When lockdowns happened we started selling a lot more and eventually product shortages were a problem. After lockdowns I was the only person at the store. Work stress was crushing, but I really enjoy helping people and had some fulfillment at work, so I stuck with it. Now that the store is stable again I've had time to work on myself.

I've been depressed since I was young, and have recently gone back on the antidepressants that worked 8-ish years ago. Maybe as a result of aging, it seems they've come with the side effect of mild insomnia this time. I'm frequently sleeping in, and regardless of how many alarms I set I've been late for work as a result of it. After disappointing enough customers by not opening on time, the business owner has decided I should work at the main store in town

At first, I was devastated. A demotion from manager of my chill little store to working a grind at the busy store. It's an extra hour to & from work daily, after I moved to be closer to my store. I can't give the same level of help, so the fulfillment is basically gone.

BUT, I found out my pay and hours will remain the same and I don't have the responsibilities of being a manager anymore. So to hell with wanting to climb a ladder at work! I'm embracing not wanting to be the boss.

TL;DR Got demoted, thought it sucked, but my pay and hours stay the same and I have less responsibilities!

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