
Was given a pay cut

After about the 6 month mark of working real hard at my job and expecting a raise as promised in my contract, instead given a pay cut because they claimed that funds were tight at the company. Then they made two hires that same month and I also discovered that they weren’t paying into my pension and also owed 3 ex employees money as well. I quit my job the following month and handed them back the company laptop. The boss asked me to go over the code with them, but I told him that I couldn’t since I already formatted it. He looked at as if I had just strangled his kitten then told me to go home. But later, he started to harass and attempt to bully me into resetting up the computer and finishing up the work, which I bluntly refused unless they paid me the outstanding…

After about the 6 month mark of working real hard at my job and expecting a raise as promised in my contract, instead given a pay cut because they claimed that funds were tight at the company. Then they made two hires that same month and I also discovered that they weren’t paying into my pension and also owed 3 ex employees money as well.

I quit my job the following month and handed them back the company laptop. The boss asked me to go over the code with them, but I told him that I couldn’t since I already formatted it. He looked at as if I had just strangled his kitten then told me to go home. But later, he started to harass and attempt to bully me into resetting up the computer and finishing up the work, which I bluntly refused unless they paid me the outstanding debts. The harassment stopped immediately after my lawyer contacted them and a settlement was reached where the outstanding debts were paid.

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