So I work in the Midwest, was hired on at a major food manufacturer to be a “Product Maintenance Manager”. Never heard of this title but basically it’s a brand new role that’s under the Senior Maintenance Manager and above the Maintenance Supervisors. When asked about my role it was all explained in great detail about all that was expected of me.
That includes:
-Track KPIs
-Maintain budget
-Keep machines running
Here’s the caveat to that:
tracking the KPIs is just me inputting hours into an excel sheet, if an employee falls under certain % speak with his corresponding maintenance supervisor and they’ll coach them.
Maintaining the budget is just seeing what parts were ordered and inputting that number into a spreadsheet and attending zoom meetings (2 per month) to discuss
The mechanics keep the machines running, I sign parts requests left on my desk and turn them into the parts clerk to order.
That’s my entire job. They’re paying me north of 6 figured and see this role as a Senior leadership role within the company due to all the responsibilities entailed…. I’m not sure how to proceed. Anyone that came in with common sense would realize im just tracking what other people are doing and reporting on it. This role is the definition of unnecessary and im not sure how long it will be a thing.