
Was involuntarily committed a psychiatric hospital for self harm comment. Kept there for 5 days. What do I do?

On April 13th, my coworker had said something to my supervisor about a comment I had made while in the confines of our shared office. The comment was “I'm tired of being alive.” I have no psychiatric history. I was interviewed by a dork with a clipboard at my office. This man deemed me unsafe and I was taken in a police vehicle to a psychiatric hospital. I was asked more questions by a psychiatrist. My blood was taken. I was forced to take my clothes off. I was forced to wait 8 hours in the ER until I was taken to a “unit” where I would then spend the next 4 days of my life. I was mistreated by nurses against the patient bill of rights; not having my questions answered, not treated with dignity. I was then interviewed by a psychiatrist and a social worker the second day…

On April 13th, my coworker had said something to my supervisor about a comment I had made while in the confines of our shared office. The comment was “I'm tired of being alive.” I have no psychiatric history. I was interviewed by a dork with a clipboard at my office. This man deemed me unsafe and I was taken in a police vehicle to a psychiatric hospital. I was asked more questions by a psychiatrist. My blood was taken. I was forced to take my clothes off. I was forced to wait 8 hours in the ER until I was taken to a “unit” where I would then spend the next 4 days of my life. I was mistreated by nurses against the patient bill of rights; not having my questions answered, not treated with dignity.

I was then interviewed by a psychiatrist and a social worker the second day there and asked the same questions as the first day. I repeatedly told them I never had a plan for self harm and that I should never have said what I said even though I was frustrated at the time. I was kept from Thursday, April 13th, to Monday, April 17th.

My job is requiring for me to receive a “Fitness for Duty” letter to return to work after I meet with a psychiatrist they gave me the phone number for. Or I can voluntarily decline the offer to return to work.

I am a case manager for a mental healthcare facility; I know, the irony.

My question is, should I go to a lawyer and see what my true options are? I feel I was unfairly assessed and admitted so that they could take money from my insurance and meet a quota or something (I have no idea, I'm just angry that this is all happening).

Yes, I have problems that I'm dealing with and I'm just like everybody else in that sense. I have never had any intentions to self harm nor do I have a psychiatric history of self harm.

I'm worried for my future as this may “stain” my record or influence my future employment. I'm worried that if I voluntarily leave, both my company AND the hospital may wrongfully be getting away with unethical/unlawful treatment or actions.

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