
Was let go by my boss today.

Hi I am a freelancer and I was let go today. My boss did not tell what happened, the past few days he didn't talk to me via emails so I just work and work with the tasks given to me everyday. Tbh I don't know what to feel, should I ask why? Cause Im pretty sure I did all my tasks and complete them everyday. I wws leaning in just thanking him for the opportunity and all cause at the end of the day even if I ask, will asking why still matters? I will still be unemployed lol haha (Im laughing but deep inside Im sad) Any freelancers or employees here who experienced this kind of thing? I wanna know if this is normal and what could be the cause of this?

Hi I am a freelancer and I was let go today. My boss did not tell what happened, the past few days he didn't talk to me via emails so I just work and work with the tasks given to me everyday. Tbh I don't know what to feel, should I ask why? Cause Im pretty sure I did all my tasks and complete them everyday. I wws leaning in just thanking him for the opportunity and all cause at the end of the day even if I ask, will asking why still matters? I will still be unemployed lol haha (Im laughing but deep inside Im sad)

Any freelancers or employees here who experienced this kind of thing? I wanna know if this is normal and what could be the cause of this?

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