
Was let go today. Actually feel relieved.

Had a feeling it was coming all week, been getting alot more pushback from my supervisors than normal. Will admit I've made my mistakes but that's what happens when someone is overworked. I've worked 12 hour days 6 days a week for the last few months and recently I stopped doing all the extra stuff they asked of us but wasn't in our contracts. I definitely have the normal “I don't have a job anxiety” right now but honestly I feel so god damn relieved. I'm so excited to actually have a life outside of work again. They've genuinely done me a favor.

Had a feeling it was coming all week, been getting alot more pushback from my supervisors than normal. Will admit I've made my mistakes but that's what happens when someone is overworked. I've worked 12 hour days 6 days a week for the last few months and recently I stopped doing all the extra stuff they asked of us but wasn't in our contracts. I definitely have the normal “I don't have a job anxiety” right now but honestly I feel so god damn relieved. I'm so excited to actually have a life outside of work again. They've genuinely done me a favor.

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