
Was told there would be no in person meeting, then there was

Probably going to delete this after today, but just want to vent. So I got a text from my boss on March 30th and he indicated are you open to doing an in person meeting in May 11th, I said of course as we usually do that quarterly. Just let me know the dates and I'll boom a trip accordingly. Then on April 16th, during a meeting, he said don't worry about going to the meeting he is wrapped up in other stuff. I said ok cool. Flash forward to yesterday, I got a last minute Teams invite. And the 2 associates from the other company and my boss and bosses boss were there at the in person meeting!! I almost jokingly said I must have missed a memo, because I was told we weren't meeting. Then there was a muttled response. And of course, as I wasn't in person…

Probably going to delete this after today, but just want to vent.

So I got a text from my boss on March 30th and he indicated are you open to doing an in person meeting in May 11th, I said of course as we usually do that quarterly. Just let me know the dates and I'll boom a trip accordingly.

Then on April 16th, during a meeting, he said don't worry about going to the meeting he is wrapped up in other stuff. I said ok cool.

Flash forward to yesterday, I got a last minute Teams invite. And the 2 associates from the other company and my boss and bosses boss were there at the in person meeting!!

I almost jokingly said I must have missed a memo, because I was told we weren't meeting. Then there was a muttled response. And of course, as I wasn't in person it was mainly a conversation between everyone else and I felt left out.

Then they randomly flexed and said where they keep their thousands in their money markets. And idk if I was taking this wrong but then was kind of condescending towards me and just was like how but them mariners?

First real complaint over had with this job in a year and 2 months, but biggest pet peeve I have is lack of communication or what I refer to as communicating in riddles, rather than say “be here from x to x, because of x” I always get a “oh idk maybe be here from call it x or x to idk”

It's not hard to communicate clearly.

Rant over

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