
Was told to post this here from r/MiddleClassFinance. Got demoted at work and received a 20% pay cut. Very disappointed and depressed.

** (copied and pasted from my original post) – I was told to post here about “constructive dismissal stuff.” I'm not going to do anything rash but I figure it can't hurt to check my options. ** Like I said. I’ve been at this company for almost three years. There has been crazy rapid growth but this year, they’ve taken a turn for the corporate. It used to be this fun, loose, startup-kinda vibe which I loved, because they were willing to take risks and I was able to spearhead a lot of cool initiatives. Fast forward to today, where I’m told that because of the way the department is shaking out (thanks to the new VP), they’re making a new role and department just for me! But it’s a level below what I am now! With a 20% pay cut! But maybe also the potential for growth so I…

** (copied and pasted from my original post) – I was told to post here about “constructive dismissal stuff.” I'm not going to do anything rash but I figure it can't hurt to check my options. **

Like I said. I’ve been at this company for almost three years. There has been crazy rapid growth but this year, they’ve taken a turn for the corporate. It used to be this fun, loose, startup-kinda vibe which I loved, because they were willing to take risks and I was able to spearhead a lot of cool initiatives.

Fast forward to today, where I’m told that because of the way the department is shaking out (thanks to the new VP), they’re making a new role and department just for me! But it’s a level below what I am now! With a 20% pay cut! But maybe also the potential for growth so I can grow this department myself and blaaaaaaaaa!

I think I’ve gone through all the five stages of grief twice today. I’ll be fine. I’ve already started brushing up my resume and have connected with people in my network. It’s just so disheartening that a company I really loved that seemed to be going a really cool direction has seemingly taken a step back and doing “what all the other companies do.”

Fuck. I really thought I’d found a good place to land. Sigh. Guess it’s back to the (job posting) drawing board.

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