
Was wrongfully fired last night and I’m PISSED

I will be using real names for this because screw the company and screw the managers. So I worked at a car dealership in Phoenix, AZ for the last 2 months. Over the last two months I have received lots of disrespectful comments from one of the managers, Luis. Last night was the straw that broke the camel's back. I just came back from medical leave after having a flare up of my chronic illness. I've been out since the morning of the 1st. I literally came in and sat through the morning meeting and then passed out and went home. Well on the 29th a coworker closed a deal for me. That means we both get half. Well we got our checks for the month and that half deal wasn't on there. ( I didn't commission out this month so I wouldn't have gotten paid for it). I went…

I will be using real names for this because screw the company and screw the managers.

So I worked at a car dealership in Phoenix, AZ for the last 2 months. Over the last two months I have received lots of disrespectful comments from one of the managers, Luis. Last night was the straw that broke the camel's back. I just came back from medical leave after having a flare up of my chronic illness. I've been out since the morning of the 1st. I literally came in and sat through the morning meeting and then passed out and went home.

Well on the 29th a coworker closed a deal for me. That means we both get half. Well we got our checks for the month and that half deal wasn't on there. ( I didn't commission out this month so I wouldn't have gotten paid for it). I went up to him and asked how to fix it he told me to get this special form and fill it out. Well I filled it out and brought it to him to sign.

He told me that this is a deal from last month and that I should have fixed it before the close of the month. He then says to shred that paper because ” I'm not going to re-open payroll for the whole store because you couldn't be responsible and keep track of your deals.” I told him I've been out since the deal and this was my first day back from medical leave. He told me that “its not my fault you didn't come to work”. Like sir… I was on medical leave?

I go back to my desk and at this point I'm visibly upset. My coworker asked what's wrong and I told her what happened and she convinced me to go to our big manager and file a formal complaint against Luis. I was scared and didn't want to make waves because I was scared he would retaliate and that management wouldn't do anything but she still convinced me to get my assistant sales manager involved and have him go in with me to have my back.

He pretty much just brushed it off and told me that he'll go in with me but it's not going to accomplish anything because this is just how a big managers are at car dealerships so he pretty much blew me off and dismissed everything I was saying and I told him as much and he was like do you want me to go get one of our female managers I was like yes please cuz this isn't working so he grabbed my female manager and she came out and I told her what was going on and she was like do you want me to go get your big big manager I'll go get the big big manager and so she went to go find him and I guess she ran into Louise and Louise found out what was going on and stormed out and confronted me.

He got all up in my face saying if we have a problem we need to work it out as adults. I should be the first one you come to if you have a problem with me and I kept saying that I couldn't talk to him right now I'm too upset and that he needs to leave me alone right now and he did not listen and continued to push my boundaries. He ended up making me start crying again because I was very upset and when I was crying he basically told me that I'm not emotionally immature enough to work this job and to get off his property.

This is the same man who told me that he would make me a part of the homeless crackhead community that lives by our dealership repeatedly and also told me I'd be prettier if I smiled more. Clearly this guy needs to go so today I set up a meeting with the big manager who basically said that they are just going to give him a slap on the wrist and teach him how to talk to sales people. I was floored. They offered me my job back but I would still have to work with Louise and then they also offered to make me the receptionist where I won't have to report to Louise but will still have to interact with him on a daily basis. I'm f****** livid and I will be complaining to corporate because this is not okay

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