
We don’t have to work for this fake money to survive

This will be hard one to swallow because of the deep indoctrination and suffering caused by struggling in a society based on debt-based monetarism, but the most important thing that must be realized is that all money is a cult belief. Fiat currency is an INVENTED CONCEPT, not a natural thing. We’re stuck in a society where most have to work constantly, because we’re playing a game based on chasing interest bearing bank notes. Because money is constantly created out of thin air through credit, we’re working for money that is constantly inflating, which is why the average person is unable to keep up. In August of 2021, I walked out of a soul sucking job that was not only miserable, but conflicted with my ethics/morality. I had no unemployment, something most would say is “crazy”, yet I was able to live for over a year without a “steady income…

This will be hard one to swallow because of the deep indoctrination and suffering caused by struggling in a society based on debt-based monetarism, but the most important thing that must be realized is that all money is a cult belief. Fiat currency is an INVENTED CONCEPT, not a natural thing.

We’re stuck in a society where most have to work constantly, because we’re playing a game based on chasing interest bearing bank notes. Because money is constantly created out of thin air through credit, we’re working for money that is constantly inflating, which is why the average person is unable to keep up.

In August of 2021, I walked out of a soul sucking job that was not only miserable, but conflicted with my ethics/morality. I had no unemployment, something most would say is “crazy”, yet I was able to live for over a year without a “steady income job”. I was able to find all of the resources I needed, and was able to further develop a small business. I even took several vacations and had so much time to myself. This is because as Terence McKenna once said, “Nature loves courage”. When you actually believe in Self, and stop listening to a lost society, you find Yourself.

We’re only stuck in this current state because the masses accept the continuation of this model. The moment we stop accepting the idea of working for debt, we take back our energy, wealth and equity.

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