
We have a super majority!

I’ve been at my job for nearly two years. I was recently promoted. I’ve been the victim of wage theft twice on this project through two different companies and received backpay accordingly. My remote job has such a strong sense of community. We genuinely care about our families, pets, health and wellbeing. But our employer doesn’t feel the same. We have to fight to protect our SLAs, our workflow, even to WFA even though most of us were hired to WFH. “The Client” could force us to RTO at any time. Our company has us on the temporary arm of a 5 year contract. While we do get benefits, they aren’t equitable with our employer’s FTE counterparts and are vastly under the Client’s FTEs. I know this journey is only beginning but I’m ready for this fight.

I’ve been at my job for nearly two years. I was recently promoted. I’ve been the victim of wage theft twice on this project through two different companies and received backpay accordingly.

My remote job has such a strong sense of community. We genuinely care about our families, pets, health and wellbeing. But our employer doesn’t feel the same.

We have to fight to protect our SLAs, our workflow, even to WFA even though most of us were hired to WFH. “The Client” could force us to RTO at any time. Our company has us on the temporary arm of a 5 year contract. While we do get benefits, they aren’t equitable with our employer’s FTE counterparts and are vastly under the Client’s FTEs.

I know this journey is only beginning but I’m ready for this fight.

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