
We need to institute some sort of citizen “stay updated test” that will keep our countries intact by keeping people updated on what things cost, average and median salary, inflation, etc.

So many stories on generational divide, lack of empathy, lack of understanding, misunderstandings, etc. stems from a basic lack of knowledge on the world at hand. I sometimes feel it to be obvious that a relative doesn't understand ones complaints about salary. If they think “X” salary is big they will think you are unreasonable to ask 2X. And I think we need to admit how keeping up with being informed about the relative state of prices, salary, taxes, rent, etc. is easy to ask of people but incredibly hard for people to do. Life is full of abstract things we know we should do but don't. Unless it is taught to us. We need a change in viewing knowledge and society. Where keeping yourself continually informed is not only a given but is facilitated. There is willfull ignorance out there but why attribute to malice what can be attributed…

So many stories on generational divide, lack of empathy, lack of understanding, misunderstandings, etc. stems from a basic lack of knowledge on the world at hand.

I sometimes feel it to be obvious that a relative doesn't understand ones complaints about salary. If they think “X” salary is big they will think you are unreasonable to ask 2X.

And I think we need to admit how keeping up with being informed about the relative state of prices, salary, taxes, rent, etc. is easy to ask of people but incredibly hard for people to do. Life is full of abstract things we know we should do but don't. Unless it is taught to us.

We need a change in viewing knowledge and society. Where keeping yourself continually informed is not only a given but is facilitated. There is willfull ignorance out there but why attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity. And stupidity is mitigated by learning.

If we are to not only to win temporarily but sustain solidarity between generations, then we need schemes and practices that keeps us in the know.

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