
We seriously need to organize a national walk out.

The company I work for refuses to give any cost of living pay increase despite the fact that they made a 10% profit last year. Their goal was a 20% profit so somehow 10% means they're “struggling”. I'm guessing this sounds familiar to many of you on this forum. In the past, traditionally, companies would increase worker pay during a period of major inflation to keep up with the cost of living. I don't see that being the norm anymore. Instead, companies are laying off employees due to this amorphous recession that is supposed to take place and they are hoarding their cash to protect their top earners from having to make any sacrifice at all. This has got to stop! The majority of us are living paycheck to paycheck when that wasn't the case before inflation skyrocketed. If a profitable company isn't willing to give a cost of living…

The company I work for refuses to give any cost of living pay increase despite the fact that they made a 10% profit last year. Their goal was a 20% profit so somehow 10% means they're “struggling”. I'm guessing this sounds familiar to many of you on this forum.

In the past, traditionally, companies would increase worker pay during a period of major inflation to keep up with the cost of living. I don't see that being the norm anymore. Instead, companies are laying off employees due to this amorphous recession that is supposed to take place and they are hoarding their cash to protect their top earners from having to make any sacrifice at all. This has got to stop!

The majority of us are living paycheck to paycheck when that wasn't the case before inflation skyrocketed. If a profitable company isn't willing to give a cost of living adjustment, the time has come for them to see consequences for their greedy actions. I propose organizing a national walk out.

If the French can have mass protests and stall production for weeks due to an increase in retirement age, the least we can do as Americans is walk out of our various jobs for a few days and demand enough pay to put food on the table. The message needs to be loud and clear.

I propose May 22nd. This would give plenty of time for the word to spread and for companies to consider pay increases before it happens.

Thoughts? Who's with me?

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