
We should forgo time with friends to be more productive This article legitimately describes quality time spent with friends as a “time sink” and argues we should instead “embrace boredom” and spend our free time in solitude day dreaming of ways to be better little worker bees. Don't get me wrong I do believe the lack of brain breaks have led to a lot of the population being burnt out, but that's not because our social lives have expanded greatly in the two years we've been scared to stand within 6 feet of each other. Work encroaching on personal time is the problem, so clearly the answer is to have less personal connections and priorities to encroach on right? Couldn't possibly implement a 4 day work week or better pay and benefits so people can afford time saving luxuries like paying to have the lawn done, or getting prepared meals instead of having to cook. Nah, just get rid…

This article legitimately describes quality time spent with friends as a “time sink” and argues we should instead “embrace boredom” and spend our free time in solitude day dreaming of ways to be better little worker bees. Don't get me wrong I do believe the lack of brain breaks have led to a lot of the population being burnt out, but that's not because our social lives have expanded greatly in the two years we've been scared to stand within 6 feet of each other.

Work encroaching on personal time is the problem, so clearly the answer is to have less personal connections and priorities to encroach on right? Couldn't possibly implement a 4 day work week or better pay and benefits so people can afford time saving luxuries like paying to have the lawn done, or getting prepared meals instead of having to cook. Nah, just get rid of all your friends, that's a better option

“Rather than striving for a distinct work-life balance, we may be better off trying to bring our social life into our work.” I can't even with this bologna

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