
“we want to help you progress in anyway you want, unless it only benefits you”

So, I'm a technical designer in my work and since the pandemic hit, I've been learning more motion/graphic design work in hopes to slightly change my career. Before I start, my company has been very good to me with pay rises and career boosts and 99% of the time, my manager is amazing. So our graphic designer is leaving and I said I'm very interested in the position. So I verbally apply and they said they shall consider it. The next day I speak again and ask if there's anything else I need for applying. I get sat down and told, I'm far too valuable to the company to leave my current job, so we can't offer it to you. You're more than qualified but if you wait over a year for us to hire one of the directors sons when he finishes school, you can have an apprentice and…

So, I'm a technical designer in my work and since the pandemic hit, I've been learning more motion/graphic design work in hopes to slightly change my career. Before I start, my company has been very good to me with pay rises and career boosts and 99% of the time, my manager is amazing.

So our graphic designer is leaving and I said I'm very interested in the position. So I verbally apply and they said they shall consider it. The next day I speak again and ask if there's anything else I need for applying. I get sat down and told, I'm far too valuable to the company to leave my current job, so we can't offer it to you. You're more than qualified but if you wait over a year for us to hire one of the directors sons when he finishes school, you can have an apprentice and it could be a hybrid job! We'd be shooting ourselves in the foot if you left your job. We are going to hire someone else instead.

I've been job hunting for 5 months with no success and I was hoping for this to be a break. If they can't help me and still be on hand to help in my current role, they may just lose me all together…
I know one thing for sure though is that my value to the company is much higher than I realised and that I could be worth far more.

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