
We WORK holidays but get the day before off instead….

I work overnight in a factory and we have to work some holidays, like Memorial Day. We actually work most Sundays but not Sundays. Since it's Memorial Day weekend our glorious employer has decided to actually give us a two day weekend without actually giving us the holiday off. I don't understand the logic there. How is that supposed to be better? We still have to work the holiday. While our family and friends are off, we'll be working. Yet we do get the day that everyone else gets off anyway? It's really an insult added to injury.

I work overnight in a factory and we have to work some holidays, like Memorial Day. We actually work most Sundays but not Sundays. Since it's Memorial Day weekend our glorious employer has decided to actually give us a two day weekend without actually giving us the holiday off. I don't understand the logic there. How is that supposed to be better? We still have to work the holiday. While our family and friends are off, we'll be working. Yet we do get the day that everyone else gets off anyway? It's really an insult added to injury.

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