
Weekend workdays mandatory for only me.

Yeah…to make a long story short boss came up and told me it was mandatory for me to come in on sat and Sunday after working Mon-Fri. Tell him I have plans with my fiancé that has cancer to go out of town… no sympathy. Show up to work and I’m the only one there… come to find out of a shop of 25 people I was the only one that was required to come in. I’m pissed

Yeah…to make a long story short boss came up and told me it was mandatory for me to come in on sat and Sunday after working Mon-Fri. Tell him I have plans with my fiancé that has cancer to go out of town… no sympathy. Show up to work and I’m the only one there… come to find out of a shop of 25 people I was the only one that was required to come in. I’m pissed

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