
Weird manager wants me to find someone to cover my shift last minute even though he said he would handle it earlier in the week

Sorry I don’t usually post, so this may be all over the place. So Im in college right now and I work for a valet company to make a little extra spending money. Last week my coworker told me my manager made some weird comments about my sexuality. This didn’t really surprise me since he’s already made tiny comments about my attractiveness to my face, but this really rubbed me the wrong way because a) he’s way older than me, b) I’m not even sure of my own sexuality so it’s kinda a sensitive topic to me, c) knowing my manager is involving himself in conversations about things like that makes me really uncomfortable (it’s still weird my coworkers are talking about it,but as a manager you would think he’d know better) and d) the weird comments also involved my friend who doesn’t even work for the company, she’s sweet…

Sorry I don’t usually post, so this may be all over the place. So Im in college right now and I work for a valet company to make a little extra spending money. Last week my coworker told me my manager made some weird comments about my sexuality. This didn’t really surprise me since he’s already made tiny comments about my attractiveness to my face, but this really rubbed me the wrong way because a) he’s way older than me, b) I’m not even sure of my own sexuality so it’s kinda a sensitive topic to me, c) knowing my manager is involving himself in conversations about things like that makes me really uncomfortable (it’s still weird my coworkers are talking about it,but as a manager you would think he’d know better) and d) the weird comments also involved my friend who doesn’t even work for the company, she’s sweet and shouldn’t have to have my gross old manager making pervy comments about her. So I mustered up the courage to send him a message calling him out and telling him how uncomfortable it made me, and he of course denied it. In what seemed like his version of damage control, he called me later that day to blame any comments made about me solely on my coworkers, but all he managed to do was dig a deeper hole for himself and make me more sure that he did make those comments about me. I’m a bit timid when it comes to confronting any authority, but I stood my ground and told him I would need time to process this whole thing as well as my future with the company and that I would be going home the upcoming Friday (this conversation was on Tuesday) to clear my head. He (probably out of guilt) told me he “totally understood” that I needed time and that he would find someone to cover my shift on Friday. It’s now Thursday and I get a text saying that he couldn’t find anyone and if I’m not gonna be at the location then I need to find someone to replace me. I’m not sure what to do at this point. Isn’t it a managers responsibility to find someone to replace me anyway? Especially since the reason I’m not going to be there is pretty much because of him. It doesn’t seem fair that he’s springing this on me a day before ,and if he can’t find someone to cover me im not sure what makes him think I’d be able to at an even later notice. It’s not like anything detrimental will happen if I don’t go, people can park their own cars, but I’m still really conflicted 🙁 . Any advice would be really appreciated

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