
Well, as a hard worker working in healthcare l, I am starting to see your guys’ point of view…

So, I am not a socialist. I'm opposed to wokism…but I agree with a lot of you about our current situation. I'm Canadian, so my pov may be a bit different as I've kind of lived the socialism route where industry drags and creates different avenues of industries for taxation. Namely in Canada…well at least some provinces…using real-estate as an industry, jacking prices to unfathomable unafordability, taxing their sales gor revenue, all while redistributing province funds of higher GDP, in equalization payments to other provinces with lower GDP, severely affecting millennial and zoomer upward mobility through sky high cost of living, all while ignoring creating meaningful production. Money printed is inflation with no production. High paying, high value production employment is more likely to create happy societies than free paper cash or freebies… which are never free. I get this may be against a lot of opinions here and that…

So, I am not a socialist. I'm opposed to wokism…but I agree with a lot of you about our current situation.

I'm Canadian, so my pov may be a bit different as I've kind of lived the socialism route where industry drags and creates different avenues of industries for taxation. Namely in Canada…well at least some provinces…using real-estate as an industry, jacking prices to unfathomable unafordability, taxing their sales gor revenue, all while redistributing province funds of higher GDP, in equalization payments to other provinces with lower GDP, severely affecting millennial and zoomer upward mobility through sky high cost of living, all while ignoring creating meaningful production. Money printed is inflation with no production. High paying, high value production employment is more likely to create happy societies than free paper cash or freebies… which are never free. I get this may be against a lot of opinions here and that is fair to disagree. I could be wrong. Taxing corporations more is a start but again always comes down our way when relying on them for our food and living essentials. Relying on a government to take over would be even more expensive imo.

As I said, I work in healthcare. We are facing massive staffing issues and a pay grade that hasn't kept up with the cost of living in my province for 15 plus years. Outpatient walk-in clinics have closed, forcing people to the ER, doubling the patient load. No family Drs, all due to cost of living vs pay. No one will move here from Dr's to RNs to Technologists to care aids. The provinces with the highest cost of living are also facing the highest staffing shortages, unsurprisingly.

Tax is high, houses are 800k to 1.2 mil, food ridiculous as is gas. Some pay 90% of takehome to mortgages. Who wants to live like that?

Those who think socialism would be the answer, I respectfully disagree, though corporatism is equally detrimental as is technocracy.

I really think the situation with the division of all of us working class with hot button issues… is a distraction and as to keep us all off balance. So we fixate on ideology and what we disagree on with regards to ideology with each other, while we all get run into the ground.

I don't think unfettered capitalism nor socialism/communism are the answer. I think getting money out of politics would be a good start. Laws that support those who start out and take risks over monopolies. Lowering taxes on us non millionaires while also possibly cutting government costs. That could be a starting point, but far from a solution. Politics aside, ideologies aside, we are all getting screwed, left or right or every stance inbetween, unless you are the .0001% of the people who are wealthy. Better we all bury our differences and focus on those who play us. We all want to be happy in life, better to focus on our common goal and our common gatekeepers. Again disagree, I'm ok with it but conversations need to happen to buld bridges to fix this mess.

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