
Well, I wrote a complaint to my boss.

Context: I'm a temp leading a team of other temps, and as temps we are not allowed to have keys for entry to the building. We have to have someone let us in, which is a problem because most of the regulars are still working from home. Here's the letter: Our term as temps here is coming to an end, so I don't expect any change that will help me or my cohorts, but maybe this letter will help someone in the future. You have to have a better system for your temps to get in to do work. I've wandered around the building for 20 minutes (which I billed for) before I found someone to let me in. Tim told me there was one day he couldn't find anyone to let him in, and he just left. And he didn't bill his time, which I think is something close…

Context: I'm a temp leading a team of other temps, and as temps we are not allowed to have keys for entry to the building. We have to have someone let us in, which is a problem because most of the regulars are still working from home.

Here's the letter:

Our term as temps here is coming to an end, so I don't expect any change that will help me or my cohorts, but maybe this letter will help someone in the future.

You have to have a better system for your temps to get in to do work. I've wandered around the building for 20 minutes (which I billed for) before I found someone to let me in. Tim told me there was one day he couldn't find anyone to let him in, and he just left. And he didn't bill his time, which I think is something close to stolen wages. He showed up on time, ready to do work, and couldn't get into the building. If I were in that situation, I would have billed for the whole day.

I have been reprimanded for ringing the doorbell, knocking on windows, and knocking on doors, just to get inside to do my job. I have had people check my credentials by asking others who have badges if I actually work there before they let me in.

There are some that recognize me and will let me in, if I can get their attention, and I am grateful for them.

There has to be a better way to manage your temps. I spend about an hour a day driving to work with no idea about getting into the place unless you're there. I think you once mentioned to me that this practice was “insulting.” I know at least that you are aware of the problem.

Please put this complaint in my file, and pass it along to the appropriate authority, or tell me to whom to pass it.

I don't want anyone there to stand in the rain hoping for someone to let them in to do a job they're paid for doing.

I hope to see you this week, and will welcome a discussion if you care to have one. My understanding is that this practice is not under your purview, but maybe you know where to point this letter.

PS: The practices used currently to get us temps into the building are a security violation, per the security training I was shown when I came on board.

So, that's all sent to the boss.

How fucked am I now?

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