
Well. it may have finally happened to me now. My employer may be trying to screw me.

So last June I decided to pick up a part time job. Working at a clinic doing sanitization to prevent the spread of communicable illnesses. Then ther eis other basic stuff I do as well. Supposed to be 4 employees, one for each assigned set of tasks throughout the facility. We lost a student as he was going back to college at the end of August. We lost another guy that had been there for 6 years, as he went home to Africa to get married. He was supposed to be gone for 3 months, he won't respond to anything and as far as we know he is still there. So we were down 2 employees. We had some floaters luckily and that allowed us to fill in the gaps with some minor schedule changes. The day shift would take care of all that and heavy cleaning maintenance during the…

So last June I decided to pick up a part time job. Working at a clinic doing sanitization to prevent the spread of communicable illnesses. Then ther eis other basic stuff I do as well. Supposed to be 4 employees, one for each assigned set of tasks throughout the facility.
We lost a student as he was going back to college at the end of August. We lost another guy that had been there for 6 years, as he went home to Africa to get married. He was supposed to be gone for 3 months, he won't respond to anything and as far as we know he is still there.
So we were down 2 employees. We had some floaters luckily and that allowed us to fill in the gaps with some minor schedule changes.
The day shift would take care of all that and heavy cleaning maintenance during the day, mostly janitorial work and prep for the evening shift. My shift. Then my shift would come in and we'd take care of it during urgent care, and after it closed.
They cut the day shift out, but asked the lady if she'd still come in from 3-5 pm. Her old hours were 8am to 5pm.
She quite. They cut the day shift and at the same time cut the weekend shifts. I did a lot of work on the weekends and loved it cause it was quiet and peaceful. Quite easy.
However corporate still expected our small skeleton crew of 2 permanent workers, myself and our shift lead, and a floater. We had new people coming in and quit after a day, or two weeks at times.
My lead was pissed about the hours cause his wife was the day shift leaf, naturally. And he could no longer come in to get extra work done around 2 or 3pm.
He was so pissed and fed up and I just kept training new people that would quit. See the job pays pretty decently and on paper it seems like super easy work. It was at first.
But then they wanted us to do all the work of the day shift and night shift with less workers, and no days or weekends. Fucking stupid.
I did all the extra work I could. I wanted the job to be easy again. So from about August I have been doing the jobs of at least 2 people. Then in November the lead quit. He was so pissed off about the hour cuts and the new and improved tasks given to us. They wanted us now to do even more but with only a few hours in the evening night.
Mid November corporate asked if I would be the new lead. At the time I had wage cap due to my old apartment. (Not a big deal cause I made money other ways working from home) but if I surpasses a certain wage on paper we would be evicted. We moved in during the pandemic when things were tight.
I was told I'd get a 2 dollar raise if I accepted the position, whoch would mean i would have to work less hours. I said yes I will do it, but I cannot have the raise until January, when I can work more hours cause I was moving.
So half of November and all of December I pushed it as hard as I could for wages, and even went over sometimes just to get the job done.
Meanwhile our long term floater quit, and we had 3 more people come in and out. Got it to having just 2 people. I accepted extra work to not burn out the employee. Then we got another first week of December. So we had 3 people. However still frequently we only had 2 people on shift and I had to bust my ass.
The other employee is burnt out, I knew she'd quit and I'd be fucked.
So I worked harder so they wouldn't quit. Naturally I didn't mind cause if I just held on for a while I'd get my raise and I wouldn't give a shit. Since the end of December to last week we got 2 new floaters. They are not dependable. Hell the girl that started in December went on vacation until the week after the 9th of Jan. She had trained foe 3 days before her vacation. New guy started last week. He has barely been trained.
So besides me there is one employee that works well and does a decent job but she is burnt out.
Brought up the raise about 2 weeks ago to the regional manager again and said now I can have it. She said she'd inform payroll and make it retroactive to the first of January.
Cool i thought. Finally.
So I have been busting my ass for a long while, and the last 2 months now I have been shif lead(poc, shift manager) and I did so without the raise so I could handle the hours and the business wouldn't get fucked.
The company I work for has a co tract with the clinic. I know how much they make a month via the contract too, from the former lead.
Yesterday I looked st my paystub. I got a raise yes, but only for half of ehat I was promised. I am pissed. Very fucking pissed off.
Contacted regional manager and told her of the error and she never responded. I assume she will contact me early in the morning( convenient right cause I work nights and my sleep schedule is totally perfect dor 830 am phone calls /s)
So now I'm going to play hardball.
I get my full raise, and the company gets to keep the contract. They refuse, I quit on the spot, best employee quits because I'm gone. Other employee quits because I'm a decent manager and help him out.
That leaves 2 barely trained employees that don't know shit about the job to do the work of 5 people in the matter of 12 hours.
These new employees do not have the grit or the know how to handle this.
If I quit, they will not fulfill the contract and it will be canceled. They will then be out over $11k a month from losing said contract.
Fuck corporate and regional managers. They demand so much but don't know shit about the work or job sites. They don't know a damn thing about the co tract they are supposed to ensure gets fulfilled.
I will be coming back with an update in the morning CST, like 10 or 11 and let you know how it went. Then I will happily out the company involved, as a warning to other businesses around the region nit to use them.

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