
Well, it’s Sunday night…

And once again, I find myself overwhelmed by how much I just DON’T want to work. I want to wake up whenever I wake up, instead of being a slave to an alarm clock. I want to spend my days reading, playing with dog, and enjoying my hobbies. Heck, I’d even love to spend my time volunteering and putting goodness and kindness into the world. Work is just such a waste of time. But I have bills to pay.

And once again, I find myself overwhelmed by how much I just DON’T want to work.

I want to wake up whenever I wake up, instead of being a slave to an alarm clock. I want to spend my days reading, playing with dog, and enjoying my hobbies. Heck, I’d even love to spend my time volunteering and putting goodness and kindness into the world. Work is just such a waste of time.

But I have bills to pay.

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