
Well, thank you.

So my boss offered me a promotion 5 months ago, without me asking or ever discussing it. I only worked part time because it was more convenient after having a baby and we were making more money, because we didn’t have to pay for childcare but still had two salaries. I accepted, I even agreed to take a year long courses for a diploma. Two months before the promotion my boss informed me that someone else from the team wanted this position so they will have to try both of us. Okay, I have more qualifications than that person so I thought I still had a chance. Then, a month before said promotion my boss asked me to find childcare because they will need me to work in said position middle of April. I did, they then told me to start working full time in my current position in order…

So my boss offered me a promotion 5 months ago, without me asking or ever discussing it.
I only worked part time because it was more convenient after having a baby and we were making more money, because we didn’t have to pay for childcare but still had two salaries.
I accepted, I even agreed to take a year long courses for a diploma. Two months before the promotion my boss informed me that someone else from the team wanted this position so they will have to try both of us. Okay, I have more qualifications than that person so I thought I still had a chance.
Then, a month before said promotion my boss asked me to find childcare because they will need me to work in said position middle of April. I did, they then told me to start working full time in my current position in order to be trained for the new position, which I agreed.
Fast forward to the day after starting working full time, my boss calls me and tells me that they don’t need me anymore and will be hiring external and that they also cannot keep the promise of a full time contract as they don’t need people anymore, but they will need me in summer full time to do the new managers holidays and help them when there’s a lot of work. I was shocked, I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. I took my time to process and then we had a meeting, I told my boss that they’ve put me in a very tough position now and I’ll need to go to HR and ask them for an extra position in some other department in order to have a full time salary as I was counting on that money to pay for childcare, after this they agreed to give me a full time contract, but it took them almost a month and a half to give me the actual contract. When I finally received my contract, I check my salary and it’s minimum wage, HR told me that we can discuss a raise in the future. Minimum wage. While taking a course that will help me acquire more in depth knowledge and helping them with managing tasks when they need. MINIMUM WAGE.

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