
Went off on my boss today.

I (19f) work at an office with 3 men ages 40, 60, and 70ish. My boss is the 70 year old, also the owner of the Company. I’ve worked there for over a year now I noticed right off the bat my boss has a dictator/micromanaging personality drives me absolutely insane. He often forgets things (including his own prices he charges for services). When I am on the phone with clients he will often interrupt the call by asking me something, or be talking loudly to my coworkers in the background (it’s a small office we’re all in the same room in close quarters) so this makes it difficult to hear what the client is saying. Ive asked him nicely countless times if he would please not talk about personal matters while I’m on the phone. Also he is often breathing down my neck while I am doing data entry…

I (19f) work at an office with 3 men ages 40, 60, and 70ish. My boss is the 70 year old, also the owner of the Company. I’ve worked there for over a year now I noticed right off the bat my boss has a dictator/micromanaging personality drives me absolutely insane. He often forgets things (including his own prices he charges for services). When I am on the phone with clients he will often interrupt the call by asking me something, or be talking loudly to my coworkers in the background (it’s a small office we’re all in the same room in close quarters) so this makes it difficult to hear what the client is saying. Ive asked him nicely countless times if he would please not talk about personal matters while I’m on the phone. Also he is often breathing down my neck while I am doing data entry in the computer, there is no reason for him to be doing this. He makes customers very uncomfortable (some refuse to speak to him at all). The way his demeanor changes when a young pretty woman walks in is absolutely disturbing to me the way he looks them up and now. And then once they leave he’ll makes comments about their appearance. He has a stack of playboy magazines in his desk and a lewd picture of brittany spears hanging in a spot most people won’t see. He sits directly to the left of me and I often catch him just staring at me with his mouth gaping open. I thought maybe I was just imagining it but without me mentioning it my coworker told me he sees him doing it too. These are just to name some of the reasons he makes me so irritated and uncomfortable, there are plenty more. But today I snapped today he was hovering over my shoulder trying to tell me how to do something on the computer (he was telling me incorrectly which he has done countless times before and everytime i politely correct him he passive aggressively says “well i don’t have my glasses so i can’t see” (so then why are you trying to tell me how to do something you can’t even see???)) anyways i said in an irritated manner “i don’t need you hovering over me” then he said once again in a passive aggressive tone “well i’m trying to show you how to do this” i then turned to look him in the eyes and said (irritatedly) “you don’t even know what you’re talking about half the time”. In which he didn’t say anything, I then stood up and went to the restroom because i was very angry and upset. But ofc I had to go back eventually so I took some deep breaths and went back in after 5 minutes. He was sat down in my chair so I sat in the first available seat near me which is near the back of the office and just stared straight ahead at the wall. He turned around (passive aggressive tone) “I want an apology NOW, you think these guys talk to me like that?!” I turned to look at him and said “you don’t think everyone thinks the same thing” he then said “oh is that so then I’ll ask Andy (my coworker) about that when he gets back in here then how about that” Andy came back in the office and the boss asks him “so is it true y’all all think the same thing she does” my coworker calmly answered “well we’ve all noticed you’ve been forgetting things” my coworker walked back into the warehouse to continue doing his job and my boss asked me (passive aggressive) “what else do they say about me?!” i just continued to look at the wall and didn’t say anything he then asked “am i really that uncomfortable to work with?!” i turn to look at him and said “yes sir you are” he then proceeded to tell me to clock out and leave which i did. tbh i’m not sure what to do now but i’m not apologizing for what i said. i love working with my two coworkers but my boss makes me very uncomfortable.

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