
What am I supposed to do now?

I just lost my job a month ago. Applying for a ton of stuff, not getting any interviews. I am in school to finish my degree, but won’t be done for a while (like it is even gonna matter). SCOTUS rejects student loan forgiveness, groceries costs are through the roof, jobs want to offer barely above minimum wage. I did things “the right way” and took 11 years off of work to concentrate on my kids. I was always a good student and employee. I am so tired of doing what conventional wisdom says to do and still being screwed. I feel like just screaming into the void and going to bed with a bag of Skittles. And what kills me is that I know there are SO many others that have it a lot worse. I feel bad for everyone. What kind of life are my kids going to…

I just lost my job a month ago. Applying for a ton of stuff, not getting any interviews. I am in school to finish my degree, but won’t be done for a while (like it is even gonna matter). SCOTUS rejects student loan forgiveness, groceries costs are through the roof, jobs want to offer barely above minimum wage. I did things “the right way” and took 11 years off of work to concentrate on my kids. I was always a good student and employee. I am so tired of doing what conventional wisdom says to do and still being screwed. I feel like just screaming into the void and going to bed with a bag of Skittles. And what kills me is that I know there are SO many others that have it a lot worse. I feel bad for everyone. What kind of life are my kids going to have when they enter adulthood?

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