
What are other types of industrial action that can be taken before striking?

I work in a call centre for an extremely large multinational company that made 15 billion in profit last year. Recently they have announced around 400 redundancies at our place of work and will be outsourcing the work to a different country where they can pay workers much less. Whilst some employees will be redeployed to other parts of the business, a large majority are facing layoffs. The final offer of severance pay from the company is not sufficient and the union has decided that we will take industrial action. However they have said that striking will be the last resort. My question is what other types of action can be taken before striking? Some have suggested all taking toilet breaks at the same time or a go-slow. Whilst this may cause a slight annoyance to the company I don't think it will have a significant impact. Is there anything…

I work in a call centre for an extremely large multinational company that made 15 billion in profit last year. Recently they have announced around 400 redundancies at our place of work and will be outsourcing the work to a different country where they can pay workers much less.

Whilst some employees will be redeployed to other parts of the business, a large majority are facing layoffs. The final offer of severance pay from the company is not sufficient and the union has decided that we will take industrial action. However they have said that striking will be the last resort.

My question is what other types of action can be taken before striking? Some have suggested all taking toilet breaks at the same time or a go-slow. Whilst this may cause a slight annoyance to the company I don't think it will have a significant impact.

Is there anything else that would cause significant disruption to the company – without allowing them to fire us with no severance package?

I am based in The Netherlands.


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