
What are your favorite ways to waste time at work?

What type of job do you have and what do you like to do to reclaim your time at work? I'm working on an anti-work informational zine and I'd like some help brainstorming some good company time wasters. I'd love to hear about how ppl with different types of jobs spend their time counting down the clock to go home. Personally, I'm in admin and I like to read manga, write, and play flash games. Would love to hear what you do to waste time!

What type of job do you have and what do you like to do to reclaim your time at work? I'm working on an anti-work informational zine and I'd like some help brainstorming some good company time wasters. I'd love to hear about how ppl with different types of jobs spend their time counting down the clock to go home. Personally, I'm in admin and I like to read manga, write, and play flash games. Would love to hear what you do to waste time!

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